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Galeria de arta Elite Prof Art va invita la vernisajul expozitiei "Povestea mea" a artistei plastice Anouk Ragot din Fran...
Aici o tuşă ce aminteşte de Cezanne, dincolo o umbră în care îl regăsim pe Corot, ici – un zgomot prins pe pânză, cu graţia inco...
„Schimbul3”, în actuala formulă cu Alexandru Ardelean, Răzvan Gorcinski, Adrian Ordean, Codruţ Croitoru şi Marian Lache Mihăilescu vor...
O dată în plus în 2016, tunsoarea pătrată este cea care se potrivește tuturor tipurilor de corp și oricărui stil. Se poartă chiar sub ...
"The Emporialist" Archive
- Charm and fantasy
- Shoes with thick heels in trends
- Diamonds in street fashion
- A combination between two rose tones
- The limitless lines of the romantic style in women
- Skirt in Winter
- Arabian Dream Scent at exclusive Perfumes
- An old style is always a new style
- A true Story about precious Stones
- One or three Necklaces
- "Street style" in Black and White
- Booties or Boots and Hat
- Hair - Elegance, Confidence, inner Beauty
- Cool Outfit for Snow
- Bucharest out patterns
- A new exotic type of makeup
- "Street fashion" made in Romania
- Crop Blouse with Jeans
- Sport Shoes in trends
- It's not hard to be stylish
- Grey and Sports in Winter
- Grey, the Colour of the Winter
- Street Rhapsody in Red and "Fire"
- Street Rhapsody in Green and Blue
- The leather as winter outfit
- Complementary colors: "street fashion" in red and ...
- Funny cap - another "urban style"
- Snow colors in "street style"
- A winter tale at Black Sea
- Why we need "street fashion"?
- Not usual, but stylish
- "The Emporialist" wish you a Happy New Year, with ...
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