Wrote by Dragos Gros
Blouse Marsala, the Color of 2015 Cap Rose-quartz, the Color of 2016
Wrote by Dragos Gros

Rose quartz and Serenity For the first time Pantone introduces two shades, Rose Quartz and Serenity as the PANTONE Color of the Year 2016. Rose Quartz is a persuasive yet gentle tone that conveys compassion and a sense of composure. Serenity is weightless
Wrote by Dragos Gros
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"The Emporialist" Archive
- Back to the future
- Waiting for a Happy New Year with Serenity
- Animal print series
- When the men want to be funny
- From color marsala-2015 to rose quartz-2016
- A Christmas day with poncho
- The Art and Culture of Tattooing and permanent makeup
- Two styles, same elegance
- Street fashion on motor and bike
- With hat and without
- Repose on the street
- Waiting for Santa Claus
- Urban style with dogs
- Military inspired
- Scarves - the richness of forms and colors
- Personality - a "must be" in the urban style
- What colors will have the year 2016?
- Black for all
- Winter town - Colours and Geometry
- Saturday's fitness
- FIRST step in elegance: NATURAL wear hair
- A winter day in Black & White
- Leather or not, black is cool!
- Babies for a sunny day of sunday
- At Bucharest, young people love street style
- Romanian winter in Bucharest
- Casual outfit